This is a topic I’ve been thinking of, and would be interested to hear other folks’ opinions. As of late, the talk of “the decline of Imagineering” talk has been popping up a lot. And while I certainly don’t deny that I’ve been underwhelmed with some recent projects, there have also been some bright spots…elsewhere. Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast opened in 2020 in Japan, and from the videos I’ve seen, it looks like a pretty impressive dark ride. It notably has a jaw dropping Beast transformation scene (full disclosure: only judging from videos in this post). The Prince and Belle waltzing animatronics in the finale scene look top notch as well. Unlike DLR, we know generally OLC is more on the “spare no expense” side, so perhaps this is a good example of what Imagineering can still achieve when not handcuffed by budget cuts. Going back a little farther, but tell me Pooh’s Hunny Hunt looks like a 25 year old ride (older than Astro Blasters!).

The Shanghai Pirates ride also looks exceedingly impressive with a new spin (literally) on the boat ride, they went the extra mile and developed a new ride system. Comparing it to the original is perhaps not fair, because they’re trying to be very different things. Considered on its own, I do think it also represents a highlight of modern Imagineering. Akin to the Beast transformation scene, there is another great skeleton to Jack Sparrow effect on this ride.

In terms of “original” Lands, Grizzly Gulch opened in Hong Kong in 2012. While it’s not entirely divorced from Frontierland, it’s themed more towards the Gold Rush towns of California, and definitely not a 1:1 recreation of a pioneer log wood fort. I dunno that this one represents a highlight per se, but it is a new land with original characters. Oddly (to me anyway, for reasons that may be apparent if you can parse my last name out of my username), they opted not to make any of the miner characters Chinese…for the land in Hong Kong. Seems like a missed opportunity to reflect a little real history. I would also absolutely take a Mystic Manor clone stateside.

While DLR doesn’t have much on the immediate horizon, Imagineering has recently unveiled the some new lounges in the Disney Treasure ship, and they are fairly elaborately themed spaces. The Haunted Mansion parlor has a really cool fish tank with ghost fish. Compared to say, the new gift shop, the parlor is miles ahead, IMHO of course. There’s a 20,000 Leagues/Nautilus bar too that is equally decked out.

Don’t get me wrong, I still agree in general “they don’t make ’em like they used to,” but maybe the “death” of Imagineering has been overstated? Perhaps the budget restrictions are more impactful than we realize? Perhaps the current lull in the park reflects increased workload of the ships? Or, maybe you’re not as easily impressed as me?