I know this is a suuuuuuper long shot (and maybe not even allowed, if not, I’m really sorry), but I’m trying to figure out how to get my husband into Club 33. He is a huuuuge Disneyland fan. He went regularly for many years of his life, we had annual passes, etc. He’s never gotten to Club 33 and this year is a big 0 birthday. We will be there for the first time in a really long time and my dream is to surprise him with a meal at Club 33. There are some other things that make this trip really special but I don’t want to say too much about the situation for fear he is in this forum and will see and it will spoil the surprise! If anyone has a contact or could help, I would so greatly appreciate it. Edited to add, if you have a connection or could help but you don’t want to put that out publicly, please feel free to private message me.