Steve Jobs (who I believe was much like Walt, driven, visionary) once stated “If you managed the top line of your business…customers, product and strategy the bottom line (financials) will follow…If you manage the bottom line, financial first, you hit the wall because you took your eyes off the ball…Quality, not price has the highest correlation with business success”.  

I don’t believe Walt went into the theme park business to make money…he wanted to create a space where both kids and adults could have a fun time together and invented (or re-invented) the theme park….and the bottom line followed.  

I seems like Ken Potrock (D-Land prez) or whoever is in there has to worry about the bottom line, share holders, etc. plus running a theme park. Sure he has a budget but a person in that role should not have to worry about stock prices or profits…just the customers and product and strategies. Let Bob worry about share holders and just get things done!

Perhaps Disney is just too big. They always want to tie in a new ride to a movie to Disney+ to plush toys to animated off-shoot programs. They need to toss out the telescopes and buy magnifying glasses.