Sightlines to the outside world:

As we all know, an integral component of Disneyland has always been the berm that separates it from the outside world, and careful attention to sightlines so the outside world is rarely visible from within the berm. This is central to the whole experience because the very thesis of Disneyland is, well, to “leave today.”

As we also know, DCA was originally constructed without a berm and without much concern about sightlines to the outside world (with the retrospective justification that “it takes place in California anyway”).

This started to be rectified with Cars Land, which carefully blocked any views of the outside would (even arranging the mountain range to block specific power line poles). It seemed to be understood that this would benefit the guest experience and thus help continue differentiating Disney from its growing competition.

But then it stopped. Power lines are still clearly visible behind Avengers Campus and behind the Hyperion waiting area. The Anaheim Convention Center and many hotels are still clearly visible behind Pixar Pier – and this has gotten much worse with the construction of large new buildings across Katella Ave.

Will the forthcoming changes to DCA include efforts to mitigate these sightline issues?

  • The Avengers e-ticket seems like it will block the sightlines to the power line poles, as was probably always the plan.
  • Will the apparently-coming Hyperion replacement block sightlines to the power line poles from that vantage point?
  • The biggest offender is, of course, Pixar Pier. I always thought the easy solution would be some additional fake roller coaster hills (perhaps with translucent scrims behind them). Another option is fake pine trees like those used for cell towers (some are really good, practically indistinguishable from the real thing). Might be Coco development – if in Pixar Pier – include some efforts to this end?

Sightlines between areas:

True immersion also requires at least some (even if imperfect) visual separation between disparate areas. This is why Walt famously added a tree that blocks views of the Matterhorn from New Orleans Square.

The biggest offenders in DCA are the views of Mission: Breakout from Grizzly Peak Airfield and Cars Land. Might be Avengers e-ticket do something to at least mitigate the views from Cars Land, like having a wall that blends in with Cars Land and blocks some of Mission: Breakout? And could the Hollywood Land replacement at least partially block the views of Mission: Breakout from Grizzly Peak Airfield?